Friday, November 14, 2008

Around Town

Since moving to Larchmont, a few things have puzzled me (or should I say, moi, this town is all about its French flavor)

These lawn animals freak me out every time I walk by them to the train. How can a rabbit be the same size as a deer? And don't the owners find it creepy that the rabbit is totally out of scale with the deer? One of them has got to go - or at least shrink.

The downtown area's landscaping choices:

Some person has actually gone to the trouble of "planting" fake flowers in real soil. If you can take the time to do this, why not just plan real flowers? Every time I see this I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


skramly said...

Is that a cigarette butt in there?

LarchmontMom said...

yes. sadly.